Are you ready to become the best hunter on Easter Island?!
Jump in to this pure arcade action game of collecting eggs by controlling bunny in a space ship!
Be the best among others! Challange your friends and unlock achievements! Upgrade your ship and buy gadgets to enhance your hunting skills!
This game offers:
* arcade fun gameplay!
* cartoonish looks and sounds!
* upgrades and gadgets!
* bonus gifts
* a little bit of customization
* Leaderboards and Achievements using Google Play Game Services!
Are you already on top of the list? No? What are you waiting for? Download and play! It's FREE.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">你准备好成为复活节岛上最好的猎人?!
是在其他中最好的! CHALLANGE您的朋友和解锁的成就!升级你的船,买小工具,以提高你的狩猎技能!
您是否已经在列表的顶部?没有?你还在等什么呢?下载和试玩!它是免费的。</div> <div class="show-more-end">